“You don’t look sick!”
“This diet will cure you, I know!”
"Are you allowed to eat that?”
“Does this food make you sick?"
"I wish I was that skinny"
"Sorry I'm late had to stop 10 times on the way here"
“You look perfectly fine!”
“I thought you said liquids only this week for you!”
“Oh are you pregnant or do you drink too much alcohol that you have a podge? ... i.e. prednisolone belly.”
“Do we really have to stop? Can’t you hold it?”
"I totally know how you feel. I had the flu really bad last week."
“Is that YOUR stomach that is making all those noises?”
“How do you stay so thin?”
“I know how you feel I have IBS!”
“I know how you feel I had a real bad tummy bug before!”
“Not again you already went to the toilet!”
“You must have a bladder the size of a pea!”
“Isn’t Crohn’s just like a stomach ache?”
“How come you're not skinny?”
“You don't look sick?”
“Can you not eat something else? You are going to turn into a tuna fish or a chicken!”
“What do you mean you can't have fruit or salad? You just want fried fatty food!”
“If your pain is really an 8 you would be curled up into a ball in the corner, or crying, or not able to function.”
"Only if you did/do this or that!”
“Isn't Crohn’s just diarrhoea?”
“What? You don't even feel like leaving the house today? It can't be that bad. Just take some Imodium.”
“I hate when you’re in a flare-up and people say "what’s wrong?" Then when I tell them I have Crohn’s disease they say "oh really I think I got that"
“Damn are you sick AGAIN?”
“Come on you can’t be that tired just come out with us!”
"If you put some meat on your bones you wouldn't be so cold!”
“Well if certain foods make you sick, then you really should watch what you eat!”
“My aunt has Crohn's. She cut out all carbs and is fine now."
“Is it contagious?”
“Why are you so tired? You haven't done much today."
“Wow.....how did you get it???"
“Well maybe if you chew your food better you won't have so many stomach issues???”
“You look fine, why aren't you working again?”
“Did you try not eating nuts?”
“Oh it’s not that bad....just take your medication and you will be fine!”
“You said you were hungry 10 minutes ago and now you can’t eat?”
“But fruits and veggies are good for you!"
"I know how you feel!"
“Want some popcorn?” (or any food that the person cannot eat as it might cause a flare to start)
"Ugh, I'm not going to class, my stomach hurts a little!"
“Why are you tired all the time?”
“Why do you always have dark circles under your eyes?”
“If it’s not contagious, how does your son have it?”
“Does your boyfriend hit you?”
“You should try sleeping on the weekend and less partying!”
“Crohn’s? Isn't that when you shit all the time?”
“Are you anorexic?”
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