Thursday, 6 March 2014


Azathioprine also known as Imuran.  Azathioprine is an immunosuppressive medicine used in the treatment of auto-immune diseases, Azathioprine helps to suppress over activity in the immune system. This helps to reduce pain and swelling by limiting inflammation. Azathioprine needs to be taken for a few weeks or months before any improvements are noticed. It is mainly used by people who have organ transplants as it prevents the body's immune system from rejecting the donor organs.

Azathioprine comes in tablet and liquid form.  The liquid form is very rarely given out to patients using the drug as it is harder to measure the amount you would need to make the full dosage on a spoon or in a syringe.

Azathioprine tablets

Due to azathioprine effecting the immune system people who take it are more prone to picking up every bug going.  Signs of infection include fevers and chills and feeling generally unwell.  Whilst taking azathioprine it is important to use a sunscreen with a protection factor of SPF 15 or higher due to the skin becoming more sensitive to sunlight.

Before starting it the doctor must know your full medical history as some drugs can interact with it and not make it work properly or if you have an allergic reaction to it too or the sister drug 6-mercaptopruine.

Azathioprine Packet

Side effect of azathioprine can include:
  • blood and bone marrow problems
  • increased risk of getting infections such as chickenpox
  • gallbladder problems
  • hypersensitivity reactions including kidney problems or lowered blood pressure
  • dizziness
  • nausea or vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • fever
  • skin rashes
  • joint pain or muscle pain
  • a general feeling of unwell
  • pancreatitis
  • hair loss
  • liver problems
  • photosensitivity
  • lung problems
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • toxic epidermal necrosis
  • miscarriages

For myself I had picked up the majority of the bugs going around from colds and chest infections and tummy bugs :( At the start I had felt really sick taking it but my body had got used to it after a few weeks. Also the first 4months my hair had thinned out really bad that it looked like I was going bald but I had started to use different products to thicken it out again but not to the full thickness it was originally (like a lions mane).  Closer to the end of my time on it before being changed to the 6-mercaptopruine I kept getting severe migraines that it had stopped me from completing any of my work as I spent most of the day in bed sleeping it off.

Friday, 7 February 2014


Dating can be a nightmare when you have Crohn's Disease.  It is 100% true that dating and any type of  relationships can be more complicated when you have an inflammatory bowel disease. Most handbooks or sites on dating don't cover any illnesses and its accompanying symptoms, like frequent gas and diarrhoea which is what comes as part and parcel with any IBD's.

The dreaded time is when it is the right time to tell him or her you have a chronic illness and there is no cure for it. The best time from experience is to tell them as soon as possible during the dating period before you make it official as girlfriend/boyfriend. If the relationship is meant to be then they will not let the illness get between you both and love you for who you are. It would be the same with any chronic illness such as asthma or an allergy.

The best time is when you think you can trust them the most and this is the best piece of advice I can give anyone suffering from a chronic illness.  The relationship between the two of you will grow over time and how you both act around each other.  This is the same as trusting each other.  If you are too scared to tell them near the start of the relationship do not leave it unsettled for ages as it can also impact the trust levels with your partner unless you are just diagnosed when you are within a relationship and do not want to tell them as it is embarrassing.  Yes is can be really embarrassing!! I have told 3 different guys I was dating and the third one told me he did not mind as it is a part of me and makes me who I am.

The more understanding the boy or girl is the better as it makes it easier to tell them about your illness(es) which you have. It also means when you are not feeling 100% they will understand that you would not be able to go out for a date or if you have to spend half of the date in the bathrooms due to eating or drinking something you cannot touch as it does not agree with your stomach. From experience telling the person you are dating is the hardest part in telling them of your illnesses and how it effects you. However, when they are understanding or accepts you as you are illnesses and all it takes a large load off your shoulders or chest.

It is the people who do not understand or do not love you for the way you are makes it extremely hard to tell as you are even more scared to tell them as they can go either way with the response. If you tell someone and they say they cannot deal with you and the illness it is them who cannot deal with the facts and it is not to do with you. If you get told it is over between the both of you do not let it get to you as it is their loss as they are missing out as they have lost an amazing person as we are all stronger than normal people cause we have not gave up fighting to try and lead a normal life.

Bottom line is with dating and relationships communication is the vital part that holds it together as well as the two in the relationship making it work well.  I personally cannot tell you when it is the correct time to tell you partner about you illnesses in full because it is only you that can tell when that time is right.

When it comes done to sexual activity it would be up to yourself and your partner to agree when it is the right time to do it and when you are not in any pain in a flare as it can be a bit embarrassing if you have an accident whilst doing the act.  I am not saying to not do any of it just do it when you are both comfortable and not embarrassed.  I have not had any surgery as yet so I do not have any scars from procedures at present but I do have stretch marks and I think they are annoying and embarrassing at times.  However, if your partner loves you for the way you are he or she should take the scars well if they see them when you are naked.

Feel free to comment or email me personally if you need any other advice about dating =)